Data report
The collect.AI platform offers various reports to enable a bidirectional data exchange.
collect.AI provides the following data standard reports with the respective specifications.
Type of Report | Frequency |
Online payments | Daily |
Sent communications | Daily |
Archived claims | Daily |
Bounces | Daily |
Advanced report | Daily |
SEPA direct debit mandate | Daily |
Customer feedback report | Daily |
Status change report | Daily |
(Deprecated) Sent communications and archived claims | Daily |
Customer data collected | Daily |
Customer data verified | Daily |
The reports are generated daily between 01:00 and 06:00 UTC and they represent the events of the day before between 00:00 - 23:59. If there are no events the day before, no report is generated.
Online payments report
The online payments report contains a list of online payments which happened on the collect.AI landing page. This report contains the successful payment events and the payment method used.
File Name: YYYY-MM-DD_ClientName_online_payments_report.csv
Field Definition
Field | Data Type | Description |
paymentdate | DateTime | Date when the online payment happened (in CET). Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS |
referencenumber | VARCHAR(256) | The reference number of the claim. |
customernumber | VARCHAR(256) | The customer number of the claim. |
paidamount | INTEGER | Amount paid in cents. |
currency | CHAR(3) | The currency of the amount. |
providername | VARCHAR(256) | Payment service provider (PSP) that the was used for the payment (PAYPAL , COMPUTOP , PAYONE ,.. etc.) |
paymentreference | VARCHAR(256) | The payment reference (can be claim reference number or any other custom configured field). |
customfield | VARCHAR(65535) | Special custom fields that may be attached to the claim. |
scenarioname | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the scenario in which the claim runs. |
merchantname | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the merchant account in the collect.AI platform, where the claim is being created. |
externaltransactionid | VARCHAR(256) | External unique identifier of a completed transaction (usually set by the payment provider) |
paymentmethod | VARCHAR(256) | Selected payment method of the PSP that the was used for the payment (CREDIT_CARD , DIRECT_DEBIT , etc.) |
Sent communication
The sent communication report contains the list of sent messages (email, sms, letters) through the collect.AI platform.
File Name: YYYY-MM-DD_ClientName_sent_communication_report.csv
Field Definition
Field | Data Type | Description |
merchant_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the merchant account in the collect.AI platform, where the claim is being created. |
scenario_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the scenario in which the claim runs. |
event_timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the status changes (in CET). Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS |
reference_number | VARCHAR(256) | The reference number of the claim. |
customer_number | VARCHAR(256) | The customer number of the claim. |
first_name | VARCHAR(256) | The first name of customer to whom the claim belongs to. |
last_name | VARCHAR(256) | The last name of customer to whom the claim belongs to. |
step_name | VARCHAR(256) | The specific name of the step within the scenario as defined in the management portal. |
channel_name | VARCHAR(256) | The communication channel used in the step. This field can be filled with letter , email or sms . |
Archived claims
The claim can reach an Archive status if it reaches at the end of the communication process without recovery, is archived manually in the management portal, or can be archived via the API due to several reasons (claim not valid anymore, other process in parallel etc). This report contains a list of these archived claims.
File Name: YYYY-MM-DD_ClientName_archived_claims_report.csv
Field Definition
Field | Data Type | Description |
merchant_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the merchant account in the collect.AI platform, where the claim is being created. |
scenario_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the scenario in which the claim runs. |
event_timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the status changes (in CET). Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS |
reference_number | VARCHAR(256) | The reference number of the claim. |
customer_number | VARCHAR(256) | The customer number of the claim. |
first_name | VARCHAR(256) | The first name of customer to whom the claim belongs to. |
last_name | VARCHAR(256) | The last name of customer to whom the claim belongs to. |
claim_creation_timestamp | TIMESTAMP | The timestamp in CET when the claim was created in the collect.AI platform. Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS . |
originator_name | VARCHAR(256) | The originator that led to the claim being archived. If the claim was archived at the end of the reminder process, the value of this field will be process . In all other cases (manual archive, ETL/API) it will be external . |
Bounce report
The bounced communication report contains the bounced emails, letters and sms for the corresponding day.
File name: YYYY-MM-DD_ClientName_bounce_report.csv
Field Definition
Field | Data Type | Description |
merchantname | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the merchant account in the collect.AI platform, where the claim is being created. |
scenarioname | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the scenario in which the claim runs. |
referencenumber | VARCHAR(256) | The reference number of the claim. |
customernumber | VARCHAR(256) | The customer number of the claim. |
channel | VARCHAR(256) | The communication channel that bounced. This field is either email , letter or sms . |
channelvalue | VARCHAR(256) | The value of the channel. This is either an email address or a mobile phone number belonging to the claim. |
recipients | VARCHAR(256) | The intended recipients of the message. This is an array of either an email address, a phone number or a postal address. |
errortype | VARCHAR(256) | Groups different types of errors. It helps you understand what kind of failure happened on a higher level. Visit our blog for more details. |
reasoncode | VARCHAR(256) | Expanding on the errortype, It's an API friendly enumeration while delving into the cause of the failure. Visit our blog for more details. |
eventtype | VARCHAR(256) | The event type of the bounced message. Always Undelivered . |
eventdate | DateTime | The timestamp the message bounced in CET. Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS . |
Advanced report
The aim of this report is to provide a daily summary of what is happening on a claim level in the collect.AI platform. It includes all claims which have not finished their lifecycle by being archived. The report contains all important information related to a claim, such as the status, in which step of a scenario it is currently found or which method was used to pay. In addition, collect.AI provides all important interactions that happened for a claim on one day, such as how many communications were sent successfully or unsuccessfully via which channel, what actions the customer performed on collect.AI landing page, possible online payments, feedback and other possible end customer interactions. This information can be easily condensed further, e.g. to weekly/monthly/... aggregates, to create your own evaluations.
Together with the transactional reports (Online payment report, Bounce report), the advanced report provides a good, detailed overview of the interactions between collect.AI platform and end customer.
The report is created daily reflecting the previous day.
File name: YYYY-MM-DD_ClientName_advanced_report.csv
General information
Dimensions categorize and describe metrics in ways that support meaningful answers to business questions. The main dimensions in this report are a claim and the temporal dimension day.
A metric is a property on which calculations (e.g., sum, count, average, minimum, maximum) can be made. We distinguish between two common kinds:
- num_xxx are countable metrics like emails sent
- sum_xxx are summable metrics like amounts
Field | Data Type | Description |
day_actual | DATE | Calendar day, on which the events occurred. For non-measurable information on status, action step, this is information at the end of this day. Format is YYYY-MM-DD . |
claim_id | INT | Internal collect.AI claim identifier. |
merchant_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the merchant account in the collect.AI platform, where the claim is being created. |
scenario_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the scenario in which the claim runs. |
customer_number | VARCHAR(256) | The customer number of the claim. |
reference_number | VARCHAR(256) | The reference number of the claim. |
claim_creation | DATE | The creation date of this claim in collect.AI's system. Format is YYYY-MM-DD |
claim_currency | CHAR(3) | The currency of this claim. |
claim_status | VARCHAR(100) | The last valid status the claim was in on any given day. |
(DEPRECATED) action_step | INT | (DEPRECATED) The last action which was performed on the claim. Note: This action might not have been performed on the day_actual, but could have been performed multiple days before. |
action_step_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the last action which was performed on the claim. Note: This action might not have been performed on the day_actual, but could have been performed multiple days before. |
payment_provider | VARCHAR(256) | The payment provider/payment method in case a payment was made. In case of multiple payments on a day this is the payment provider used for the last payment. See also Online payment report. |
Claim metrics
Field | Data Type | Description |
sum_value_total | BIGINT | Total value of the claim in cents in the corresponding currency for the corresponding day. If the claim total was previously increased, this value includes the changes. It consists of sum_primary_value , sum_secondary_value , sum_dunning_fee_value , sum_collection_fee_value . |
sum_primary_value | BIGINT | Value of the main claim items of a claim in cents in the corresponding currency at the end of the day. If the claim total was changed previously, this value includes the changes. |
sum_secondary_value | BIGINT | Value of the accessory claim of a claim in cents in the corresponding currency at the end of the day. If the claim total was changed previously, this value includes the changes. |
sum_dunning_fee_value | BIGINT | Value of the dunning fee items of a claim in cents in the corresponding currency at the end of the day. If the claim total was changed previously, this value includes the changes. |
sum_collection_fee_value | BIGINT | Value of the collection fee items of a claim in cents in the corresponding currency at the end of the day. If the claim total was changed previously, this value includes the changes. |
Landing page metrics
Field | Data Type | Description |
num_lp_page_views | INTEGER | The number of landing page views the customer/claim did that day. Every loading of the page creates a new page view. |
num_lp_sessions | INTEGER | The number of sessions that are created. A session is generated upon the first page view and kept until the browser is closed. |
num_lp_disputes | INTEGER | The number of disputes the claim/customer triggered in the landing page on that day via the landing page. |
num_lp_instalment_plans | INTEGER | The number of requests for an instalment plan the customer/claim requested on that day via the landing page. |
num_lp_deferments | INTEGER | The number of requests for a deferment the customer/claim requested on that day via the landing page. |
num_lp_auth_success | INTEGER | The number of successful authentications on the day on the landing page for a claim. |
num_lp_auth_fail | INTEGER | The number of unsuccessful authentications on the day on the landing page for a claim. |
Communication metrics
A series of metrics that measure what happens in the communication we send out for a claim.
Field | Data Type | Description |
num_emails_queued | INTEGER | The number of emails prepared for sending on a specific day for a certain claim. |
num_emails_sent | INTEGER | The number of emails sent for a claim on a given day. |
num_emails_delivered | INTEGER | The number of emails delivered for a claim on a given day. The transport provider signaled a successful delivery. This metric does not have to match with the metric num_emails_sent for that day and claim. Delivery may take place later for several technical reasons. |
num_emails_opened | INTEGER | The number of times an email was opened for a claim on a given day. This metric does not have to match with the metric num_emails_sent for that day and claim. Delivery may take place later for several technical reasons and so the open event for this message. |
num_emails_bounced | INTEGER | The number of times that an email could not be delivered or could not be sent in one day and per claim. |
num_emails_received | INTEGER | The number of messages originated from the end customer (i.e. replies) and received from collect.AI platform for a claim on a given day (inbound). This metric does not have to match with the metric num_emails_sent for that day and claim. |
num_sms_queued | INTEGER | The number of sms prepared for sending on a specific day for a certain claim. |
num_sms_sent | INTEGER | The number of sms sent for a claim on a given day. See also Bounce Report. |
num_sms_delivered | INTEGER | The number of sms segments delivered for a claim on a given day. A segment is the number of single messages of 160 characters each, into which an SMS message is divided at the provider. This metric does not have to match with the metric num_sms_sent for that day and claim. Delivery may take place later for several technical reasons. Disclaimer: This number reflects the information that the respective SMS provider returns to us. We cannot influence this. |
num_sms_undelivered | INTEGER | The number of sms segments not delivered for a claim on a given day. A segment is the number of single messages of 160 characters each, into which an SMS message is divided at the provider. Disclaimer: This number reflects the information that the respective SMS provider returns to us. We cannot influence this. |
num_sms_received | INTEGER | The number of messages originated from the end customer (i.e. replies) and received from collect.AI platform for a claim on a given day (inbound). This metric does not have to match with the metric num_sms_sent for that day and claim. |
num_letters_sent | INTEGER | The number of letters sent for a claim on a given day. |
num_fallbacks | INTEGER | The number of fallback messages which have been sent through alternative channels, due to the fact that the message could not be delivered through the originally intended channel. |
Field | Data Type | Description |
num_disputes_created | INTEGER | The number of times a claim was disputed during a day. Usually this is 1 if the claim status transitioned to DISPUTE . The metrics num_lp_disputes , num_emails_received , num_sms_received assist in identifying the source of the dispute. |
num_disputes_resolved | INTEGER | The number of times a dispute was resolved during a day. If a claim transitions from DISPUTED to CONFIRMED then this is 1. |
num_disputes_invalidated | INTEGER | The number of times a dispute was rejected during a day. Usually this is 1 , if a claim transitions from DISPUTE to PAUSED or UNPAID . |
Payment metrics
Metrics that provide information about the payment behaviour of a claim per day.
Use this with the payment_provider
dimension to get more detailed correlations.
Field | Data Type | Description |
num_payments | INTEGER | The number of many payments made in one day for a claim. |
sum_payment_amount | INTEGER | The amount (in claim currency) paid for a claim on a particular day. May have been paid online or offline. An online payment can be identified using the attribute 'payment_provider'. |
SEPA mandates report
collect.AI enables their clients to smoothly and cost effectively direct debit their customers by collecting an online SEPA direct debit mandate. This report provides all the necessary information to debit the customers account.
File Name: YYYY-MM-DD_ClientName_sepa_mandates.csv
Field Definition
Field | Data Type | Description |
merchant_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the merchant account in the collect.AI platform, where the claim is being created. |
scenario_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the scenario in which the claim runs. |
event_timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the data was collected (in CET). Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS |
reference_number | VARCHAR(256) | The reference number of the claim. |
customer_number | VARCHAR(256) | The customer number of the claim. |
first_name | VARCHAR(256) | The first name of the account holder. |
last_name | VARCHAR(256) | The last name of the account holder. |
iban | VARCHAR(256) | The IBAN of the account to be charged. |
debit_cycle | VARCHAR(256) | The cycle of the direct debit payment. The cycle is filled only for recurring SEPA direct debit mandates. Possible values are: RECURRING , MONTHLY , QUARTERLY or YEARLY . |
is_consent | BOOLEAN | The customers consent to agree to the DirectDebit payment is collected. |
amount | INTEGER | Amount paid in cents. |
currency | CHAR(3) | The currency of the amount. |
custom_fields | VARCHAR(65535) | DEPRECATED : Special custom fields that may be attached to the claim. Custom fields will be exposed in a flexible manner soon. |
Customer feedback report
The customer feedback report includes every single customer feedback that has been collected on the landing page. The clients of collect.AI can choose between three different customer feedback scores after a completed payment: The Net promoter score (NPS), the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) or the Customer Effort Score (CES). In addition a general score can be collected independent of a payment being made. For a detailed description of the different scores refer to the customer feedback documentation.
File Name: YYYY-MM-DD_ClientName_customer_feedback_report.csv
Field Definition
Field | Data Type | Description |
merchant_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the merchant account in the collect.AI platform, where the claim is being created. |
scenario_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the scenario in which the claim runs. |
event_timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the data was collected (in CET). Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS |
reference_number | VARCHAR(256) | The reference number of the claim. |
customer_number | VARCHAR(256) | The customer number of the claim. |
score_type | VARCHAR(10) | The selected collect.AI customer feedback score type. Options are: NPS , CSAT , CES , GENERAL . |
question | VARCHAR(256) | The question asked to the customer for the corresponding score_type . |
score_value | INT | The chosen value in the respective score type. The values of the scores always follow the convention that the lowest number number stands for a negative or disagreeing feedback whereas the highest number indicates a positive or agreeing feedback. The value ranges for the different feedback types are as follows
optional_question | VARCHAR(256) | The question asked for the optional free text feedback. |
optional_answer | VAHRCHAR(256) | The optional free text feedback of the customer. |
custom_fields | VARCHAR(65535) | DEPRECATED : Special custom fields that may be attached to the claim. Custom fields will be exposed in a flexible manner soon. |
Status change report
This report contains the status of all claims which had at least one status change during the respective day. Possible states can be viewed on the "Claim management" documentation page.
File Name: YYYY-MM-DD_ClientName_status_changes.csv
Field Definition
Field | Data Type | Description |
merchant_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the merchant account in the collect.AI platform, where the claim is being created. |
scenario_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the scenario in which the claim runs. |
event_timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the status changes (in CET). Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS |
reference_number | VARCHAR(256) | The reference number of the claim. |
customer_number | VARCHAR(256) | The customer number of the claim. |
first_name | VARCHAR(256) | The first name of customer to whom the claim belongs to. |
last_name | VARCHAR(256) | The last name of customer to whom the claim belongs to. |
status | VARCHAR(256) | The status of the claim for the reporting date. |
prev_status | VARCHAR(256) | The status the claim had before the current status. |
custom_fields | VARCHAR(65535) | DEPRECATED : Special custom fields that may be attached to the claim. Custom fields will be exposed in a flexible manner soon. |
(Deprecated) Sent communication and archived claims report
This report will not be continued. Instead, there will be two stand-alone reports (Sent communications and Archived claims)
The sent communication report contains the list of sent messages (email, sms, letters) through the collect.AI platform and the archived cases in the collect.AI platform.
File Name: YYYY-MM-DD_ClientName_sent_communication_report.csv
Field Definition
Field | Data Type | Description |
referenceNumber | VARCHAR(256) | The reference number of the claim. |
customerNumber | VARCHAR(256) | The customer number of the claim. |
customerName | VARCHAR(256) | The first name of the customer to whom the claim belongs to. |
customerLastname | VARCHAR(256) | The last name of the customer to whom the claim belongs to. |
creationDate_CET | DateTime | The timestamp in CET when the claim was created in the collect.AI platform. Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS . |
claimStatus | VARCHAR(256) | The state of the claim at the moment when the communication was sent out. |
scenarioName | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the scenario in which the claim runs. |
action | VARCHAR(256) | The type of event that happened the day before. This is either Sent Communication to flag the sent communication to a customer or Archived to flag that this claim was archived the day before. |
executionDate_CET | DateTime | The timestamp in CET when the event (action) happened at collect.AI. Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS . |
stepName | VARCHAR(256) | The specific name of the step within the scenario as defined in the management portal. |
channel | VARCHAR(256) | The communication channel used in the step. Will be left empty if the action is archived. Otherwise it is filled with one of the values of letter , email or sms . |
Customer data collected
The customer data collected report includes all customer data that have been entered on the landing page. They can be of the type e-mail or mobile number. Collected customer data can be used to send messages without sensitive information or to follow up on the verification process. Some of the collected data might already be verified. See also Customer data verified report.
File Name: YYYY-MM-DD_ClientName_customer_data_collected_report.csv
Field Definition
Field | Data Type | Description |
merchant_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the merchant account in the collect.AI platform, where the claim is being created. |
event_timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the contact data was collected (in CET). Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS. |
reference_number | VARCHAR(256) | The reference number of the claim. |
customer_number | VARCHAR(256) | The customer number of the claim. |
customer_data_contact_type | VARCHAR(256) | The type of contact provided by the customer. Could be EMAIL OR MOBILE_NUMBER. |
customer_data_contact_value | VARCHAR(256) | The newly added mobile number or e-mail address provided by the customer. |
customer_data_consent1 | VARCHAR(65535) | The text of the first checkbox (if configured) in the landing page language shown to the customer. |
customer_data_consent2 | VARCHAR(65535) | The text of the second checkbox (if configured) in the landing page language shown to the customer. |
customer_data_contact_ipaddress | VARCHAR(256) | The ip address of the customer when the contact was collected. |
Customer data verified
The customer data verified reports includes all customer data that have been verified. Verified means, it is a valid e-mail address or mobile number and the customer has access to the e-mail account or can access the SMS received to the mobile number. These contact data can reliably be used to share sensitive customer information and to store the consent that was has given for communication and/or marketing purposes.
File Name: YYYY-MM-DD_ClientName_customer_data_verified_report.csv
Field Definition
Field | Data Type | Description |
merchant_name | VARCHAR(256) | The name of the merchant account in the collect.AI platform, where the claim is being created. |
event_timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the contact data was collected (in CET). Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS. |
reference_number | VARCHAR(256) | The reference number of the claim. |
customer_number | VARCHAR(256) | The customer number of the claim. |
customer_data_contact_type | VARCHAR(256) | The type of contact provided by the customer. Could be EMAIL OR MOBILE_NUMBER. |
customer_data_contact_value | VARCHAR(256) | The verified mobile number or e-mail address provided by the customer. |
customer_data_consent1 | VARCHAR(65535) | The text of the first checkbox (if configured) in the landing page language shown to the customer. |
customer_data_consent2 | VARCHAR(65535) | The text of the second checkbox (if configured) in the landing page language shown to the customer. |
customer_data_contact_ipaddress | VARCHAR(256) | The ip address of the customer when the contact was collected. |