Feedback is a feature allowing your customers to sort out open questions or to even state disputes. Your customers can either reply to digital messages (e-mail/SMS) or provide predefined feedback on the collect.AI landing page. Either way, the feedback will be recorded within the collect.AI system and can be forwarded to your CRM or any other system and be managed by your customer support team. The feature is optional and can be disabled completely if you do not have the capacity to manage customer feedback at all. It is also possible to stop the reminder process for a defined time period once feedback has been received.
Landing page feedback
The landing page offers the customer the possibility to give feedback or dispute a claim. For example, if the amount has already been paid, the goods have been returned or an issue has occurred, the customer can contact the customer service via the feedback function. Once the feedback function has been selected, the customer has several options to choose from.
By default, the feedback offers the following possibilities:
- Order returned
- I have already paid
- Missing documents
- Other reason... (with input field)
Customized feedback reasons can be set up during the onboarding process.
Feedback forwarding
The feedback can be forwarded via e-mail to a specific e-mail address. The sender address can be specified, too. The e-mail reference and e-mail body can include text, the selected reason and also information from a claim, such as a customer number, name or contact information needed by the customer support team to handle customer feedback. We also offer direct API integration or webhooks (real time push notifications).
Customer experience metrics
Customer experience can be collected on the Landing page to gain valuable customer insights.
You can choose out of three popular metrics to ask the customer for feedback after the payment:
- Net Promoter Score (NPS)
- Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
- Customer Effort Score (CES)
The Net Promoter Score measures your customers loyalty.
The Customer Satisfaction Score measures your customers overall satisfaction.
The Customer Effort Score is a transactional measure to the specific customer interaction, e.g. the payment.
Proven questions according to market standards are used. However, the questions can be customized. Each metric is supported by a free text field, optional for the customer.
In addition to the customer experience metrics, an optional general feedback can be activated, too. This general feedback option is shown to idle customers and helps to complement the full experience collection at different points in the customer journey. It uses a generic five smiley face scale and is also supported by a free text field, optional for the customer to be entered.
Pay later
Customers can choose to pay later, if the option is enabled. They can choose to defer their payment for example for 30 days from today.
The possible date range needs to be defined and set-up in your account. A flexible maximum deferment date with per claim can also be set-up.
The deferment requests are forwarded via e-mail to a specified e-mail address. The e-mail reference and e-mail body can include text and information from a claim for the customer support.
All customer feedbacks are shared in the customer feedback report.