The collect.AI messaging modules take care to reach out to your customers. They allow you to send messages defined in the reminder process at a given point in time according to your business rules and communication strategy.
We support multiple channels such as,
- sms
- letters
Every e-mail and sms message can be traced with sophisticated real time tracking support.
Additional receivers
For e-mail, you can define several CC and BCC receivers next to the main recipient as well. CC addresses will be transparent for all receivers while BCC addresses are not visible.
It is possible to send attachments with a message. You are flexible deciding which of the attachments are added to each message step. For letters you can add up to 196 pages in DIN A4 PDF format. For e-mails you can add several filetypes like PDFs, csv, excel files or images but not more than 10 Mb.
Export of messages
All message content can be exported via the API. Letters can only be exported as PDF. SMS and e-mail can be exported either as text or rendered in a structured PDF.
Reply handling
Message replies can also be managed. This means your customers can directly give feedback to any digital message we sent. We take care of the heavy lifting, attach everything to the corresponding claim and can optionally forward the messages to your CRM. Also, every message we send to your customers can be directly forwarded to you. Your customer support team is always up to date what the collect.AI system is doing.
Suppression List
If we failed to deliver an e-mail message permanently, we add this address to a suppression list in our system. Next time we try to send a message to this address, we can directly trigger a fallback communication if there is one planned or fail the communication step immediately. This saves a lot of time and is making sure, our e-mail sending reputation is stable. A message could not be delivered webhook will be sent in this case. If an address should be removed from the suppression list, please reach out to your account management.
Business Hours
You can define business hours in which we try to send the messages. E.g. you can define to send out SMS only Mo-Fr from 8:00 to 20:00, but not on public holidays.
Retries of message sending
In case when we weren't able to deliver a message e.g. because the mail provider was unavailable, we are retrying to send the message for a specific amount of time. Dependant on the channel and provider, we are retrying for at least 4-6 hours until we fail the message and send out the fallback.