Installment plan & Pay later
Digital installment plans
Our clients' customers can fully digitally agree to an installment plan. On the landing page, customers can choose the best fitting installment plan option for them with a start date for the first payment.
After a successful agreement to an installment plan, an E-Mail confirmation is sent and a PDF can be downloaded with all information of the installment plan in written form. Optionally, customers can agree on a SEPA-mandate to automate the upcoming installment payments.
Clients determine the installment plan options that are available to the customers.
The installment plan created webhook and the installment plan SEPA-mandate collected are shared into our clients systems to automate the full process.
Communication of existing/agreed installment plans
The collect.AI platform can be used to send predefined installment plans to customers via e-mails and letters. If clients and customers have already agreed on an installment plan, the plan can be handed-over to collect.AI via the API.
All the details available on the installment plans can be incorporated in the customer messages, for example in a confirmation e-mail.
The installment plan data includes:
- The number of agreed installments
- The total amount (with interest fees)
- The principle amount (without fees)
- Interest fees (if any)
- Other fees, e.g. a default insurance fee (if any)
- Due dates and amounts for every installment
The installment plan data are validated with regard to logical consistency when handed over to collect.AIs API. See Installment plan API
Pay later
Customers can choose to pay later, if the option is enabled. They can choose to defer their payment for example for 30 days from today.
The possible date range needs to be defined and set-up in your account. A flexible maximum deferment date with per claim can also be set-up.
The deferment requests are forwarded via Email to a specified Email address. The Email reference and Email body can include text and information from a claim for the customer support.