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DateDescriptionSectionsRollout date
14.11.2024Removed documentation related to the deprecated "Confirm claim items" endpointn.a.
12.11.2024Deprecated message details APIMessage Details API
04.11.2024Cleanup provider enum from actionstep model, removed twilio and mailjet, added sesScenarios API
28.10.2024Switch from HTTP 500 to 409 status in createItem API for handling duplicate key values for claim Item Dunning Fee.Claims API03.03.2025
18.10.2024Added workflow list and assignment endpoints, removed deprecatoin flag from scenario assignmentWorkflows API, Scenarios API
01.09.2024Deprecate access_token to be used as url parameter in the url .../claims?access_token=abcall endpoints01.10.2024
29.07.2024Made scenario assignment endpoint deprecated and introduced the new workflow assignment endpointWorkflows API, Scenarios API
10.07.2024Removed documentation related to the deprecated "Invalidate claim payments" endpointn.a.
15.05.2024Added option to retrieve all fields in Query APIClaims API
14.05.2024Switched from HTTP 422 to 409 status in createInstallmentPlan API for handling duplicate installment plan creation.create InstallmentPlan API21.05.2024
10.05.2024Added endpoint to manage partial and full item payments outside of cAIPayments API
07.05.2024Improved documentation for custom fieldsClaims API
14.03.2024Improved documentation for Installment Plans APIInstallment Plans API
13.03.2024Added transactionId to PAYMENT_COMPLETED webhook payloadWebhooks
08.03.2024Added endpoint to get installment plans of a claimInstallment Plans API
07.03.2024Deprecation of offset pagination for the Query Claims APIClaims API31.12.2024
07.03.2024Added bounce errors to MESSAGE_NOT_DELIVERED event payloadEvent Webhooks01.04.2024
07.03.2024Deprecation of "Invalidate claim payments"-endpoint. Replaced by get all transactions and invalidate a specific transaction.Payments API10.06.2024
29.02.2024Introduced validation of timeZoneIdClaims API
20.02.2024Added endpoint to get all transactions of a claimPayments API
20.02.2024Added endpoint to invalidate a specific transaction of a claimPayments API
14.02.2024Added customer data collected reportData report
14.02.2024Added customer data verified reportData report
19.01.2024Removed unused endpoint: Get Claim Item by IDClaims Items API
19.01.2024Added keyset pagination for the Query Claims APIClaims API
19.01.2024Added item custom fields in payment completed webhookWebhooks
19.01.2024Added support for custom fields in claim itemsClaims API
07.12.2023Added data enrichment: Verified contact dataVerified contact data
06.12.2023Removed deprecated field action_step in Advanced ReportData Report12.02.2024
06.12.2023Added CUSTOMER_DATA_VERIFIED to event webhooksEvent Webhooks
06.12.2023Updated CUSTOMER_DATA_COLLECTED payloadEvent Webhooks
06.12.2023Removed deprecated collect.AI Reach report (digital contact data)Data Report12.02.2024
03.11.2023Updated claim timeZoneIdClaims API12.02.2024
20.04.2023Deprecated claim addressCountryClaims API
05.04.2023Added fee to installment plansInstallment Plans API
07.02.2023Added claim status check for "Start assignment" operationScenarios
07.12.2022Added claim countryCodeData Import
29.11.2022Removed deprecated field from webhook payloadsWebhooks
18.10.2022Introduced new Webhook End of escalation reachedWebhooks
09.08.2022Removed deprecated transactionId payment completed webhookWebhooks
09.08.2022Removed deprecated paymentProviderTransactionId in claim items confirmationPayments API
14.06.2022Provided endpoint to invalidate installment plansInstallment Plans API
14.06.2022Provided endpoint to complete installment plansInstallment Plans API
28.04.2022Added outstanding to confirmClaimItemsPayment responsePayments API
28.04.2022Added outstanding to invalidatePayments responsePayments API
07.04.2022Locale format and handlingClaims API
20.03.2022Added option to download email and sms content as a PDFClaims API
23.02.2022Added getMessageAttachments and getMessageAttachmentMessages API
25.01.2022Added emailCC and emailBCC fieldsClaims API
13.01.2022Introduced X-Resume-At header for claim pausingClaim State API
06.12.2021Document "skip assignment" headerClaims API
11.11.2021Document max attachment sizeAttachments API
25.10.2021Added Installment PlansInstallment Plan API
09.09.2021Removed: Landing page link creationn.a.
12.07.2021Add new Events APIEvents API
29.06.2021Changed response for getMessageContent for E-Mail and SMSMessages API
10.06.2021Introduce new Webhook Message not deliveredWebhooks
05.03.2021Introduced X-Return-Claim-Details headerClaims API
02.09.2020Extend claim items with grouping optionsClaim Items API
31.08.2020Add Attachments APIAttachments API
12.08.2020Add addressDetails, outstanding and total to claim schemaClaims API
07.08.2020Provide new endpoint to manage offline paymentsPayments API